Dress Code

Dress Code

Academy for Scholarship and Entrepreneurship Dress Code

Academy for Scholarship and Entrepreneurship staff strictly enforce the school’s dress code.

Warnings are not issued because the expectations for dress code compliance are spelled out before scholars begin school here. We give the following consequences: Parents will be contacted each time the child is out of compliance. Scholars may be excluded from incentive activities (parties, trips, etc.). Scholars without a complete uniform must present a uniform pass upon entering the classroom.

General Uniform Requirements: see below for clarification

  • Solid Burgundy tie
  • White Buttoned Oxford Shirt (Three-button polo shirts are not acceptable)
  • Khaki Pants (No Dickies or Cargos) Pants with elastic on the ankle are not allowed in school.
  • Khaki Skirt
  • Black Shoes and Black Belt
  • Burgundy Vest or Sweater without a logo or hood. The only acceptable logo is the ASE school logo. (Optional)

Sweatshirts with or without hoods are not acceptable. Hoods are not acceptable garments in school.

 General Requirements:

  1. Shirts
  2. Scholars are expected to wear WHITE button-down DRESS SHIRTS each day.
  3. Scholars may not wear anything underneath their school shirts except short-sleeve WHITE T-shirts, with nothing over them except the school sweaters or vest.
  4. Coats, non-school sweaters, sweatshirts, or any other outerwear are not permitted to be worn in school or taken anywhere in the building and must be left in each scholar’s locker all day.
  5. Shirts must always be tucked in your pants or skirts from 7:55 am until dismissal.


1. Pants/skirts

2. Scholars are expected to wear pleated dress pants or skirts; shorts are prohibited. 

3. All pants and skirts must be light khaki.

4. No pockets, loops, or straps on pants or skirts can be below the hip level.

5. Pants should not be a relaxed fit.

6. Skirts should be knee-length or longer from the back and front.


  1. Shoes
  2. Black dress shoes are expected. Shoelaces should be black and should not be tied over the pants.
  3. Flip-flops, stilettos, stacks, platform shoes, gym shoes, and thin sandals are prohibited.
  4. Boots may be worn in winter to school, but Scholars must change into dress shoes once they arrive.
  5. Shoes must be laced up, with tongue inside, and tied securely. Pant legs must be worn over the shoe.


  1. Gym Uniforms
  2. Scholars may not cut off or alter the gym shirts or shorts in any way.
  3. No short-shorts, jeans, jean shorts, cut-offs, lycra, or spandex shorts are allowed.
  4. Scholars must wear gym shoes for gym work and change to dress shoes after gym work.
  5. Scholars who are unprepared for the gym will not be able to participate in gym activities, resulting in a failing grade of 55%.


  1. Belts
  2. Solid Black or brown belts should be worn when needed (except with girls’ skirts sold without loops). Belts may not hang down. Pants must be purchased that allow for belts. 


  1. Jewelry and make-up
  2. Earrings are allowed but should be small and not a distraction.


  1. All necklaces must be tucked inside the shirt.
  2. No heavy makeup is permitted; makeup, lotion, or other cosmetics are never applied anywhere but in the bathrooms.
  3. Wristbands and distractive bracelets or wristwear are prohibited
  4. Beads (Religious or non-religious) of any kind should not be worn to school and, if confiscated, will not be returned.


  1. Head Coverings

Headgear (Sweatbands, du rags, bonnets, bandanas, etc.) is not allowed in school unless prior approval has been given by the discipline team or for religious purposes. Scholars may wear tasteful narrow headbands that complement their uniforms.


  1. Hair
  2. Hair should be neat and well-groomed before you come to school. Please refrain from doing your hair or the hair of others during the school day. Remove all bobby pins and bonnets from wrapped hair before entering the building.
  3. No designs are permitted to be in the hair on the head or face.


  1. Distractive Clothing
  2. Any clothing or jewelry a teacher or staff member determines distracts the learning process.


  1. Face Mask

Due to COVID-19, for the safety of the entire ASE Community, face masks must be worn ( covering the mouth and nose) properly at all times by everyone in the ASE community while in the school building.

Academy for Scholarship and Entrepreneurship Summer School Dress Code:

  1. Scholars may wear tailored shorts, skirts, dresses, or jeans. No cut-offs, rolled-up pants, pants with holes in them, spandex, short-shorts, or Daisy Dukes.
  2. Scholars may wear shirts other than the school uniform as long as they do not have bare midriffs or are cut too low or short—no spaghetti-strapped shirts.
  3. Scholars may wear gym shoes.
  4.  Belts are not required.

* All scholars are expected to wear the school uniform daily except for their birthday.

We have a dress code to prevent distractions and to maintain a professional atmosphere.